The Famous Computer Cafe 1984-11-18 Howard Goldberg of PlayNET. This episode aired on KFOX.
0:00 [Title Promo] Famous Computer Cafe brought to you by The Software Spot.
1:07 [Opening] Announcement of the shows participants: Ellen Walker, Andy Velcoff, Michael Walker, Howard Goldberg (President of PlayNET), Dave Johnson, Paul and Sarah Edwards, Dr. Disk.
2:53 [Commercial] The Software Spot featuring Lotus Symphony
3:31 Mail-in Contest for Commodore 64 or dinner for two.
6:00 Interview with Howard Goldberg, president of PlayNET a new online network service. PlayNET targets users who want to connect and play games online utilizing graphics instead of just text. Michael and Howard discuss rate structures; Local access numbers.
14:30 [Commercial] How to Make Money with Your Computer book by Paul and Sarah Edwards
15:43 [Promo] Coping with Stress by Psicomp for Apple II autograph party at Van Nuys Computerland
16:40 Continuation of interview with Howard Goldberg. Michael and Howard discuss features: online gaming, electronic mail, greeting cards (in future). Talk about social aspects of the service.
23:52 Personal Computer News with Rick Burnett: Microsoft delayed Windows until June 1995; IBM TopView to be introduced 3 months before Windows; Compaq and Fortune earnings down; Visicorp will merge with Paladin Software Corporation.
27:27 The New Age Journal - Win Win video games (co-operative) article
28:25 Continuation of interview with Howard Goldberg. Starting a computer based business. Affordable pricing rates of PlayNET ($2 per hour after monthly $6 subscription fee. Initial software $29.95). Hardware requirements: Commodore 64, disk drive, modem. May expand to other machines in the future.
38:38 The New Age Journal - Toybrary
39:39 Continuation of interview with Howard Goldberg. Future plans.
44:55 IBM correspondent Dave Johnson on helping others with using a PC. Menu/task building software Starburst (MicroPro).
47:32 [Commercial] Dollars and Sense by Monogram available at The Software Spot.
48:10 Paul and Sarah Edwards on making money with micro computers by monitoring stock portfolios.
51:38 Andy Velcoff: The Seven Cities of Gold by Electronic Arts
54:50 [Commercial] Zork I, II, III by Infocom at Simply Software in Manhattan Beach
56:00 Outro
57:36 end